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LVDT sensor messung

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06.02.2018, 10:36
Beitrag #1

Labview_pr Offline

Beiträge: 7
Registriert seit: Oct 2017


LVDT sensor messung
Hallo zusammen,

I have a new project, to measure the displacement using LVDT sensors.
I am using NI 9237 module with the cDAQ9184, and for the LVDT is from HBM.

Here I am asking if someone has an idea, how to connect the sensor to the 9237 and calibrate it.
Any suggestion will be very appreciated Smile

Thank you in advance..
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06.02.2018, 11:02
Beitrag #2

GerdW Offline

Beiträge: 17.491
Registriert seit: May 2009


RE: LVDT sensor messung
Hi pr,

Zitat:how to connect the sensor to the 9237
See the NI9237 datasheet, pages 4 and 5…
For the LVDT sensor you have to check its manual!

Zitat:and calibrate it.
Calibration is done by the manufacturer…

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07.02.2018, 13:32 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.02.2018 13:49 von HVo.)
Beitrag #3

HVo Offline

Beiträge: 42
Registriert seit: Oct 2008

>3.1 :)

RE: LVDT sensor messung
A classical LVDT will need a AC (bridge) exitation.
All HBM LVDT sensors I knew (and I started to collect them) are:
-Quite old Smile
-without DC output.

Your 9237 only supports DC-excitation.

However, you can try the soundcard headphone out to ecxite with 1kHz sine and the stereo line-in to read the bridge output and the exciter-voltage (maybe after a voltage divider). The voltage ratio is proportional to the LVDT core displacement. (try tone detection on both signals)
Or hunt for a an old AC bridge amplifier...

What sensor(s) do you have? What is your application?
(If you really have an old HBM LVDT sensor, I guess you want to reanimate some old equipment)
HBM stoppet LVDT production shortly after going into the strain-gauge production...

Classical length sensors can be calibrated with a micrometer, gauge blocks down to laser interferrometer... use the best reference you can grap Wink
According to the VIM (and Wikipedia) anyone can do a calibration, not only the manufactor.... otherwise I would be out of business Big Grin


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