Hier mal eine Antwort von NI in bezug auf CVI
Problem: I try to communicate with my SQL database using DBActivateMap, but I keep getting the error -2147217871 - The timeout expired. How do I fix this?
Solution: This error is caused by running out of time before the database returns a response. Sometimes it takes a while to receive a response because of the large size of a database. Because the error is an error generated by the database provider and not necessarily CVI, this is more of a provider (ole db or odbc) issue. However, we do have a way to remedy this. By default, the Command Timeout is set to 30 seconds. You can change this property to zero (0), and make it wait indefinitely. To do this, use the DBSetConnectionAttribute function and select ATTR_DB_CONN_COMMAND_TIMEOUT for your attribute. Set the value to zero.
Gruß, Marko