einen Graphen kann man gut mit getImage als Bilddatei ablegen. Was ich suche, ist eine Möglichkeit einen Teil (oder meinetwegen das ganze FP) mit den aktuellen Werten & Graphiken als Bilddatei z.B. PNG abzulegen (Reports schauen nicht sehr einfach aus)
RTFM ^_^
Front Panel:Get Image Method
Method of VI.
Returns an image of the front panel as a flattened pixmap. Use the Front Panel:Get Image Scaled method to return an image of the front panel and scale it proportionally according to the maximum width and height you wire to the method. If a front panel is not visible, LabVIEW does not update the values in the objects on the front panel. If you call a VI whose front panel is not visible and you use the Front Panel:Get Image method to create an image of the front panel, the image does not reflect any value changes that occurred when you ran the VI.
If you want the image to reflect value changes, make sure the front panel is open before any values change. If you do not want to display the front panel but want the image to reflect value changes, create a Property Node from any front panel terminal on the block diagram of the VI for which you want to create a front panel image.
You also can use the Append Front Panel Image to Report VI to create an image of a front panel and append it to a report.
habe zwar zuerst das Georgibuch wälzen müssen um drauf zu kommen wie man das einbaut, aber so lernt man.