ich möchte mit Hilfe von dem Konstruktor-Knoten ein Objekt einer C++-Klasse erstellen. Dazu muss ich aber meine Klasse als Assemblie compilieren.
Was ist ein Assemblie?
und wie kann ich so was machen?
Ich benutze Visual Studio .NET C++ und LabVIEW 7.
Hallo Sapphira,
Entschuldigung, darf Ich English schreiben? Ich wurde gerne auf Deutsch antworten, aber es ist zu schwer fuer mich.
If you use Visual Studio.net C++, it's unmanaged code, you can create normal DLL and you should not use .net functions in LabVIEw to call this DLL, instead, you can use "Call Library Function Node" under "Advanced" in function palette to call the functions in this DLL. But if you use C#.net to create DLL, it's managed code, this DLL created by C#.net is called .net assembly. To call this DLL, you need first go to LabVIEW menu under Tools->Advanced->.net Assembly References to add a reference for your assembly DLL, after that you can use the .net constructor node to call the functions in this DLL. To learn how to create a C#.net DLL, you may need to learn from microsoft side or C# books.
Hofflich kann ich dir helfen.
Mit freudlichen Gruessen!
Hello Irene,
thank you for answering. I understand your answer that it's not possible to create a Assembly from a c++.NET dll. The whole time i used "Call Library Funktion Node". But i need a reference to my c++ class. Is there a possiblility to get that without writing the dll again in c#?
But i found in the .NET Studio in the menu Project->Properties of the dll->Linker->Erweitert (sorry i just know the german names) that i can deactivate the Assemblygeneration. And i opened the project as C++-Project. There i can choose if i want a Assemblygeneration or not? Or is it just a function which is not used in c++?