- USB1208 fs DIO

Normale Version: USB1208 fs DIO
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Ich habe ME 1208FS. Ich möchte DIO für Schalter ein Relais aus einer Porta und PortB einzigen Wert zu verwenden bis 4 V.
Bitte helfen Sie mir.

Again, perhaps it is easier for you to ask your question in English. Your knowledge of German seems to be very limited.

Regards, Jens
I need to use relay . so i want to give 4v signal from DIO to the relay.
I am using USB 1208fs . I have used universal librery from MCC and also ULX vis.
I couldn write 5 v in digital port output is not coming.
Hi Maveen,

Zitat:I couldn write 5 v in digital port output is not coming.

DIO usually work with boolean signals (FALSE/TRUE)...

Zitat:so i want to give 4v signal from DIO to the relay.
DIO ports usually work with standard logic levels like 5V or 3.3V. Which one your Meilhaus1208 supports is described in the manual...

I suppose it uses 5V logic levels. So you could use a voltage divider (with two resistors) - but you should also consider the current draw of your relais to setup the divider correctly. Instead of a divider a simple diode (preferrably Si diode with a threshold voltage of ~0.7V) may also be used in series to the relais to reduce voltage over your relais...
When you write "relay", do you mean a "real" mechanical relay?

Perhaps the power of the DO of the 1208 is to small in order to drive this relay directly.
