- LabVIEW 6.1 ApplicationBuilder ==> Fehler 26096

Normale Version: LabVIEW 6.1 ApplicationBuilder ==> Fehler 26096
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Hi Folks,

wenn man Visual Studio 2005 auf dem gleichen System installiert ist wie LabVIEW 6.1,
dann erscheint beim Versuch eine Applikation zu erstellen die angehaengte Fehlermeldung.
Da es mir gerade selbst passiert ist, hier die Information die ich dazu gefunden habe
Zitat:You may receive this error if you installed the Visual Studio .NET recently. This behavior is due to installing a newer version of the mergemod.dll that is not compatible with the older version that LabVIEW 6.1 used in the Application Builder installers.
The same error occurs after you install Orca 2.0, because it installs mergemod.dll 2.0.3639.0.
To try to resolve this problem, perform the following steps:

Open a command prompt.

Change to the "Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedMSI Tools" directory.

Execute the following command: regsvr32 /u mergemod.dll. This should report that the unregister was successful.

Change to the "Program FilesNational InstrumentssharedInstaller" directory.

Execute the following command: regsv
r32 mergemod.dll. This should report that the register was successful.

If this doesn't solve the problem, please email us your question at, and we will provide you with the proper version of mergemod.dll.

Zvezdana S.
National Instruments
Quelle: Merge error when createing installer for .exe

Habe das Ganze dann mal als Batch-Dateien umgesetzt (Standard-Installation vorausgesetzt!):
English Windows:
[code]regsvr32 /u "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedMSI ToolsMergeMod.dll"