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Im using a graph with different signals. My problem is, that i want to use 2 cursors but each one should be refered to different Y axes, so one cursor for the right side and one for the left one.
I just get the 2 cursors, but they are always refered to just one axis.
can someone help me please :roll:
Talking about a waveform graph:
With the property Cursor / Cursor Plot you're able to assign a cursor to another plot.
If your second waveform is assigned to the 2nd plot too, the y axis scale for the cursor will be the same as for the graph.
I don't really know if its possible to use both scales without using more than one plot, you have to try this...
thanx but I have just tried it and i didnt get it to work.
I have a maximum of 70 curves, and i used minimum 3, but i choose which ones to be displayed. So the cursor i need, has to be frei and not refered to any plot.
If I use the property you mentioned, the cursor works just for one curve and not for the others, that's why the cursor has to be refered to the axis and not to a specific plot.
thankx oppossom, you just gabe me another idea.
I solved the problem using one free cursor and one cursor attached to a plot. I didnt know that you can use a cursor for all the plots (70 in my case). All the plots have their own skale, so it not a problem any more..