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Grundzustand USB-6009

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27.01.2014, 09:21 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 27.01.2014 09:22 von Y-P.)
Beitrag #5

Y-P Offline

Beiträge: 12.612
Registriert seit: Feb 2006

Developer Suite Core -> LabVIEW 2015 Prof.

RE: Grundzustand USB-6009

Zitat:The USB-6008/6009 has an internal pull-up resistor that has a 4.7 kOhm resistance. This causes the digital outputs on the device to have a logic high start-up state. Attaching a pull-down resistor is not the answer to achieve a logic low start up state on the USB-6008/6009. A pull-down resistor can be used with 653x series of DIO cards, but it is not recommended for the USB-6008/6009. Since the 600x board already have an internal pull-up resistor, attaching a pull down resistor to the USB-6008/6009 will essentially create a voltage divider and will cause the device to not work properly.

Gruß Markus

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Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Grundzustand USB-6009 - Hachiko - 27.01.2014, 08:39
RE: Grundzustand USB-6009 - jg - 27.01.2014, 09:01
RE: Grundzustand USB-6009 - Y-P - 27.01.2014, 09:11
RE: Grundzustand USB-6009 - Hachiko - 27.01.2014, 09:13
RE: Grundzustand USB-6009 - Y-P - 27.01.2014 09:21
RE: Grundzustand USB-6009 - GerdW - 27.01.2014, 09:28

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