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OPC UA Labview Reading items and properties from excel sheet or text file?

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14.05.2016, 19:00
Beitrag #1

pato7 Offline

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Registriert seit: May 2016


OPC UA Labview Reading items and properties from excel sheet or text file?
Hello Guys,
I am a masters student at a German university now working on a research project and we are using OPC UA labview toolkit. I am new with using OPC UA in Labview so I am not sure to what extent are the capabilities OPC UA labview are similar to that defined by the OPC foundation. I hope I can get some tips and help on some issues.

Normally through labview we can create an OPC UA server and add folders/ Items/Properties to create the data structure. But this is done manually by adding the vi for each folder and item and connecting them. This is reasonable if we have two or three items or properties in the data structure. But if we have for example 40 items, then it would get messy. So i am thinking of a way to read the data from an excel sheet or text doc and automatically create the data structure in the OPC UA server. Offcourse, the data in the excel sheet should be arranged in a special way so that we can create the node paths easily and define the characteristics( read/write, datatype) of each node automatically. so far i was able to create the OPC UA server but I am stuck on how to transform the data from the excel file to the OPC UA server.
please find attached the VI i have so far.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
THank you.
BEst Regards,

Angehängte Datei(en)
0.0 .xls  Data2.xls (Größe: 8,7 KB / Downloads: 352)

15.0 .vi (Größe: 38,25 KB / Downloads: 444)

15.0 .vi (Größe: 16,54 KB / Downloads: 344)
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OPC UA Labview Reading items and properties from excel sheet or text file? - pato7 - 14.05.2016 19:00

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