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OPC UA Labview Reading items and properties from excel sheet or text file?

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15.05.2016, 14:22 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.05.2016 14:26 von rolfk.)
Beitrag #4

rolfk Offline

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RE: OPC UA Labview Reading items and properties from excel sheet or text file?
(15.05.2016 12:33 )pato7 schrieb:  Sorry, But Do you mean I am not respecting the terms of use if I have posted the same question on two websites? Ni discussion forums and are the same website? I thought they're different and hoped I can get more replies here, because I didnt get any so far.
Thank you.

It's allowed to post on different places but good practice to mention that you did so (and in the case of the labviewforum even required by the forum rules). While it is fully understandable that you hope to get more answers by posting in different places you need to also consider the situation of people who spend their own free time to give you answers. It is VERY frustrating to spend half an hour to investigate some situation and put together a useful answer only to find out later that someone else has answered already on another forum the same or even better answer. That time could have been spent expanding on the already posted answer rather than repeating the same information again.

As such it's necessary to also mention that you posted on
And yes there is a chance that you discourage some people from answering your post by mentioning that you posted in many other places about this, but not doing so will work even more against you, as there are people frequenting all these forums and they will notice and mention it, and make it even less likely that you will get answers after that.

Rolf Kalbermatter
Technische Universität Delft, Dienst Elektronik und Mechanik
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RE: OPC UA Labview Reading items and properties from excel sheet or text file? - rolfk - 15.05.2016 14:22

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