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OPC UA Labview Reading items and properties from excel sheet or text file?

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16.05.2016, 17:42 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 16.05.2016 17:50 von pato7.)
Beitrag #10

pato7 Offline

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Registriert seit: May 2016


RE: OPC UA Labview Reading items and properties from excel sheet or text file?
(16.05.2016 16:57 )GerdW schrieb:  Hi Elias,

to provide an answer to your question:
Zitat:This is reasonable if we have two or three items or properties in the data structure. But if we have for example 40 items, then it would get messy.
Instead of calling "Add Item" by coding it for each single item you should put this function in a FOR loop!
Read your Excel data, analyze it, then create the input cluster to "Add Item" as needed for this function…

@GerdW Thanks for the tip, highly appreciated. I'll work with itSmile

Apology accepted. Please do not feel discouraged from asking further questions - as long as you stick to the rules. I agree with Gerd, your thread should not be deleted. Perhaps you will still get an answer. And it might be helpful for other people, since the cross-posts are now clearly linked and there are already a few answers on LAVA.

Regards, Jens.

BTW, how about practising your German, as your are a student at a German university. Schreib deine Beiträge doch mal auf deutsch. Wink

@jg Thanks for the advice. I hope I'll get more answers in the coming days.
Offtopic2 Considering that I arrived in Germany recently, I have limited level of Deutsch. But I'm definitely looking forward of reaching a level where I can communicate in Deutsch. Working on it.Wink
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RE: OPC UA Labview Reading items and properties from excel sheet or text file? - pato7 - 16.05.2016 17:42

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