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Write MB reg

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11.04.2018, 09:45
Beitrag #2

GerdW Offline

Beiträge: 17.489
Registriert seit: May 2009


RE: Write MB reg
Hi solaz,

welcome to the forum!

Zitat:The register is 2 bytes and wants: low byte=data (code for temp unit =33), and high byte=0x01 (run command).
I have tried to send arary [33;1] to the hi/lo-func and in to the MB Write-func., but this doesn't work. I have also tried [1;33]..
I wonder if I am suppose to send something like [0;33] and [1;0], but can't get it to work.. Some ideas?
The MODBUS function is expecting U16 data, when writing to registers.
It handles byte order internally, you don't need to do this on your own!

So why don't you send an U16 value of "0121" (in hex display!, or 289=1*256+33 in decimal display) to the register?

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Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Write MB reg - solaz - 11.04.2018, 09:34
RE: Write MB reg - GerdW - 11.04.2018 09:45
RE: Write MB reg - solaz - 11.04.2018, 10:01
RE: Write MB reg - GerdW - 11.04.2018, 10:17
RE: Write MB reg - solaz - 11.04.2018, 10:25
RE: Write MB reg - solaz - 12.04.2018, 08:03
RE: Write MB reg - GerdW - 12.04.2018, 08:12
RE: Write MB reg - GerdW - 12.04.2018, 12:10
RE: Write MB reg - jg - 12.04.2018, 12:19
RE: Write MB reg - solaz - 12.04.2018, 12:22
RE: Write MB reg - GerdW - 12.04.2018, 12:26
RE: Write MB reg - solaz - 12.04.2018, 14:06
RE: Write MB reg - GerdW - 12.04.2018, 14:21
RE: Write MB reg - solaz - 12.04.2018, 14:36

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