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Challenging one

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18.01.2006, 06:10
Beitrag #1

kkronline Offline

Beiträge: 1
Registriert seit: Jan 2006


Challenging one
Hi all,
First of all i want to see the web pages in english, Can i know where i want to click.

i dont know how to simplyfy this , In h/w interface, user can select the modes by pressing the switches. There are 5 main modes. Each main mode has 8 sub mode. If user select the main mode 1 and sub mode 5 ( by selecting the h/w Switch interfaced with DIO lines), the corresponding 24 led names, 24 switch names and ROT,POTname ...etc has sent to LCD for display. If user changes the mode, the name of all controls of that particular mode will also sent to lcd for display.

So i need to collect the 24 led names, 24 switch names, 2 rot switch name. 4 pot name and sub mode name from the user for 40 modes(5 main mode * 8 sub mode). The name is restricted to 5 char.

I need to cluster all the names for each mode, and finally cluster the cluster of each mode and store into one file.

The key filter does not restrict to 5 char, if i press any key continuously. Kindly spend some time to fix this.
I attached my latest VI

Kindly help me



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Sonstige .zip (Größe: 147,3 KB / Downloads: 238)

Sonstige .zip (Größe: 147,3 KB / Downloads: 220)

Sonstige .zip (Größe: 147,3 KB / Downloads: 222)
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Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Challenging one - kkronline - 18.01.2006 06:10
Challenging one - thomas.sandrisser - 18.01.2006, 09:31

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