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NI-XNET Problem mit NI VeriStand

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24.04.2014, 10:16
Beitrag #1

Luk-Labviewforum Offline

Beiträge: 1
Registriert seit: Apr 2014

VeriStand 2011 SP1

NI-XNET Problem mit NI VeriStand

I have a VeriStand-Project (VSP) created with my Laptop-Host (LTH) which works with my PXI, while

deploying it from my LTH. Then I have installed the whole NI enviroment for PXI and VeriStand use on a

industrial PC (iPC). I have tried to deploy my VSP from the iPC to the PXI but the following error

message arose on my iPC:

The VeriStand Gateway encountered an error while deploying the System Definition file.

Details: Error -1074384569 occurred at Project Window.lvlib:Project >> Project

Window.lvlib:Command >> NI_VS Workspace ExecutionAPI.lvlib:NI VeriStand - Connect to

Possible reason(s):

NI-XNET: (Hex 0xBFF63147) The database information on the real-time system has been created with an

older NI-XNET version. This version is no longer supported. To correct this error, re-deploy your

database to the real-time system. ========================= NI VeriStand: NI VeriStand

Engine.lvlib:VeriStand Engine Wrapper (RT).vi >> NI VeriStand Engine.lvlib:VeriStand >> NI

VeriStand Engine.lvlib:VeriStand Engine State >> NI VeriStand Engine.lvlib:Initialize

Inline Custom >> Custom Devices Storage.lvlib:Initialize Device (HW Interface).vi

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • Unloading System

Definition file... • Connection with target Controller has been lost.

The software versions of the NI products (MAX/My System/Software) between my LTH and the iPC are

almost the same. The only differences are:

1. LabView Run-Time 2009 SP1 (64-bit); is installed on LTH but missing on iPC

2. LabView Run-Time 2012 f3; is installed on LTH but missing on iPC

3. NI-DAQmx ADE Support 9.3.5; something strage on the LTH, because normally I am using NI-DAQmx 9.5.5

and all other DAQmx products on my LTH are 9.5.5. That means NI-DAQmx Device Driver 9.5.5 and NI-DAQmx

Configuration 9.5.5.. On the iPC side all three products are 9.5.5.. That means NI-DAQmx ADE Support

9.5.5, NI-DAQmx Device Driver 9.5.5 and NI-DAQmx Configuration 9.5.5..

4. Traditional NI-DAQ 7.4.4; The iPC has this SW installed. On the LTH this SW is missing.

In order to fix this problem I have formatted my PXI and I have installed the following SW from the


1. LabVIEW Real-Time 11.0.1

2. NI-488.2 RT 3.0.0

3. NI_CAN 2.7.3

Unfortunately the above stated problem arose.

What can I do to fix this problem?

I found a hint on

There it is written to deploy the dbc file againt.

If this is a good hint, so how do I deploy a dbc file?

I would feel very pleased if somebody could help me! :-)

Best regards

Lukas Nowak
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