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Re: Troubling communicating with hameg oversupply (HMP4040) using RS-232

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18.09.2012, 13:12
Beitrag #1

akki123 Offline

Beiträge: 5
Registriert seit: Sep 2012


Re: Troubling communicating with hameg oversupply (HMP4040) using RS-232
i have downloaded drivers of Hameg powersupply 4040,which I have to design in Labview.
I am Using RS232 cable and made all setting as per manual which is reqired for cable.
but when I am tring to run my project i get then time out error error (-1073807339) VISAHex 0xBFF0015) time out expired before operation completed

and then for checking this error I tried to run my but in that during visa read i got error.
I am getting really very stuck here.

Here I am sending you some snaps of my labview that might be help you to understand my query and i am very new user of labview.

i also made changes regarding to time that instead of 10000 i replace it by 1000 and also with 20000 but same error is repeated and also i tried with making Id query disable but no change and I have checked my parameters 4 to 5 times.

will you please help me out.
Thanks in advance.

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18.09.2012, 13:21
Beitrag #2

GerdW Offline

Beiträge: 17.489
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RE: Re: Troubling communicating with hameg oversupply (HMP4040) using RS-232
Hi akki,

now you posted to a German LabVIEW forum. Asking in German might produce more answers...

- You asked the exactly same question in the NI forum, but you forgot to mark this as cross post (in both forums)!
- You were already warned about spamming forums while creating several threads with the same topic!
- What's wrong with the answers you got so far?

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18.09.2012, 13:29
Beitrag #3

akki123 Offline

Beiträge: 5
Registriert seit: Sep 2012


RE: Re: Troubling communicating with hameg oversupply (HMP4040) using RS-232
oh sorry i think both are different forum and I got some solution by Baskar but still I am facing some problem thats y i though to post here.
May be I get some solution as I saw one older post related to hameg powersupply but its not enough for me.
but is ok if both are same then i ll not post here.
sorry again really i dont have any idea about this and may be my operating system in german and i dont know that much so i didnt read notice.
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18.09.2012, 22:31
Beitrag #4

jg Offline

Beiträge: 15.864
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20xx / 8.x

RE: Re: Troubling communicating with hameg oversupply (HMP4040) using RS-232
Please stick to the LVF-rules if you plan to ask further questions here.

As Gerd already mentioned cross-posting a question in several locations on the WWW without providing a link to that cross-post is not allowed here.

All members try to help you in their spare time for free but we don't like to give you the same answers that you already got somewhere else. Providing a link to a cross-post makes it possible for everybody to look for themselfs if the problem is already solved or not.


P.S.: We do not enforce to ask your question in German but the chance to get an answer might be slightly higher if you do so.

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