So, hier nun die versprochene Fehlermeldung von MatLab (leider etwas länglich):
Segmentation violation detected at Wed Jun 13 14:28:08 2007
MATLAB Version: (R2006a)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000
Window System: Version 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 3)
Processor ID: x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine: Java 1.5.0 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot Client VM mixed mode
Default Charset: windows-1252
Register State:
EAX = 01b742a0 EBX = 298c3bf0
ECX = 01b742a8 EDX = 13bfb008
ESI = 13bfb008 EDI = 00000000
EBP = 00d0aa60 ESP = 00d0aa60
EIP = 7a3da9cc FLG = 00010206
Stack Trace:
[0] libmwsimulink.dll:int __cdecl SfcnSigListGetNumRegions(void *,int)(0x01b742a0, 0x13bfb008, 0x298c3bf0, 0x13dae290) + 12 bytes
[1] SignalProbe.dll:0x299d15a3(0x298c3bf0, 0x13bfb008, 0, 0x298c3bf0)
[2] SignalProbe.dll:0x299d251c(0, 0x29832bec "sinewave", 0x13dae290, 0x13bfb008)
[3] SignalProbe.dll:0x299d24b7(0x298c3bf0, 0, 0x00d0aafc "<«Ð", 0x78545b37)
[4] SignalProbe.dll:0x299d1d0a(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e")
[5] libmex.dll:_mexRunMexFile(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e") + 119 bytes
[6] libmex.dll:private: void __thiscall Mfh_mex::runMexFileWithSignalProtection(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e") + 73 bytes
[7] libmex.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mex::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e") + 169 bytes
[8] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e") + 240 bytes
[9] m_dispatcher.dll:_mdDoMatlabFcnCall(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e") + 192 bytes
[10] libmwsimulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl CMexSFcnUpdateFcn(struct slSFcnInfo *)(0x0268df90, 0, 0x280efda0, 0x28a3a9a0) + 242 bytes
[11] libmwsimulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl SFcnUpdateFcn(class slBlock *,class slSimBlock_tag *)(0x280efda0, 0x28a3a9a0, 1, 0) + 293 bytes
[12] libmwsimulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl BlockUpdate(class slSimBlock_tag *)(0x00a3a9a0, 0x00d0b108 "$±Ð", 0x7a1407f3, 0x28a3a9a0) + 264 bytes
[13] libmwsimulink.dll:public: virtual struct slErrMsg_tag * __thiscall LegacyDirectRunTimeDispatcher::Update(class slSimBlock_tag *)(0x28a3a9a0, 0x1b3c2a20, 0x1b3fe8a0, 0x298c3700) + 12 bytes
[14] libmwsimulink.dll:_BdSystemUpdate(0x1b3c2a20, 0x2992b8d0, 0x1b3c2a20, 0x1b3c2a20) + 675 bytes
[15] libmwsimulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl BdUpdateFcn(struct slModel_tag *)(0x1b3c2a20, 0, 0x298c37d0, 0x00d0b198 "´±Ð") + 55 bytes
[16] libmwsimulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl ModelUpdate(struct slModel_tag *)(0x1b3c2a20, 0x298c37d0, 0x1b3c2a20, 0) + 91 bytes
[17] libmwsimulink.dll:_slDoOutputAndUpdate(0x013c2a20, 0x00d0b1e0, 0, 0x79144300) + 921 bytes
[18] libmwsimulink.dll:_StepMenuSim(0x1b3fe8a0, 0, 0x1b3fe8a0, 0x00d0b1e4) + 183 bytes
[19] libmwsimulink.dll:_sleModelExecutionInterface(0x1b3fe8a0, 5, 0x00d0b1e0, 0x29831c84) + 144 bytes
[20] libmwsimulink.dll:void __cdecl sluiWorkProcSimStep(void *)(0x1b3fe8a0, 0x77e73a7b, 721176, 0x790fd375) + 27 bytes
[21] uiw.dll:void __cdecl UIW_CallWorkProcs(void)(0x00d0b2b0, 0x00d0b201 "xàw", 255, 0x791443f0) + 67 bytes
[22] uiw.dll:char * __cdecl getCommand(char *,int,int)(0x79d8ac18, 4096, 255, 0x00d0b340 "X³Ð") + 98 bytes
[23] uiw.dll:public: virtual char * __thiscall uiw::UIW_IOProxy::getCmdWindowCommand(char *,int,int)const (0x79d8ac18, 4096, 255, 0x01be5520) + 20 bytes
[24] bridge.dll:char * __cdecl win32IoReadLine(int,bool,struct _iobuf *,char *,char *,int,bool *)(0x7c38b4e8, 0x01be5520, 4096, 0x00d0b387) + 213 bytes
[25] bridge.dll:char * __cdecl ioReadLine(int,bool,struct _iobuf *,char *,char *,int,bool *)(255, 0, 0x7c38b4e8, 0x01be5520) + 27 bytes
[26] bridge.dll:void __cdecl mnGetFullLine(char * *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *,int,bool)(0x00d0f3b4, 0x00d0f3ac, 255, 0) + 77 bytes
[27] bridge.dll:_mnGetCommandLineBuffer(255, 0, 0x00d0f4b4, 0x00d0f4b8 "ü=çwBXÑ") + 97 bytes
[28] bridge.dll:$L92008(0x00d0f4b8 "ü=çwBXÑ", 0x01ab8db8, 0, 0x784cf1b0) + 398 bytes
[29] mcr.dll:public: void __thiscall mcrInstance::mnParser(void)(0x77e73dfc, 0x00d15842, 0x01ab8db8, 0x01ab8df8) + 51 bytes
[30] MATLAB.exe:0x00401941(4194304, 0, 0x00d15842, 1)
[31] MATLAB.exe:0x004076ff(0x00780065, 101, 0x7ffdf000, 0)
[32] KERNEL32.dll:0x77e81af6(0x0040757a, 0, 200, 256)
This error was detected while a MEX-file was running. If the MEX-file
is not an official MathWorks function, please examine its source code
for errors. Please consult the External Interfaces Guide for information
on debugging MEX-files.
If it is an official MathWorks function, please
follow these steps in reporting this problem to The MathWorks so
that we have the best chance of correcting it:
1. Send this crash report to for automated analysis.
For your convenience, this information has been recorded in:
2. If the problem is reproducible, please submit a bug report via:
Thank you for your assistance. Please save your workspace and restart
MATLAB before continuing your work.
This segmentation violation occurred while executing the
S-function 'SignalProbe' in block 'sinewave/SignalProbe'.
A common cause of this segmentation violation is an incorrect
input port direct feedthrough setting. Each input port of the
S-function that is read (accessed) in mdlOutputs and/or
mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit must specify that it needs its input
signal in these routines by setting direct feedthrough for
these input ports.
1) To debug your C-MEX S-function, you can enable diagnostics
by compiling the S-function source with the -g flag, e.g.,
mex -g sfunction_name.c
2) You can ask Simulink to try assuming your S-function has
direct feedthrough using:

If Simulink can find a valid sorting mode that does not
result in algebraic loops involving your S-function, your
model will execute (assuming that the cause of this
segmentation violation is an incorrect direct feedthrough
setting on an input port).
See matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_directfeed.txt
Segmentation violation detected at Wed Jun 13 14:28:17 2007
MATLAB Version: (R2006a)
MATLAB License: 78139
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000
Window System: Version 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 3)
Processor ID: x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine: Java 1.5.0 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot Client VM mixed mode
Default Charset: windows-1252
Register State:
EAX = 01b742a0 EBX = 298c3bf0
ECX = 01b742a8 EDX = 13bfb008
ESI = 13bfb008 EDI = 00000000
EBP = 00d0aad4 ESP = 00d0aad4
EIP = 7a3da9cc FLG = 00010206
Stack Trace:
[0] libmwsimulink.dll:int __cdecl SfcnSigListGetNumRegions(void *,int)(0x01b742a0, 0x13bfb008, 0, 0x13dae290) + 12 bytes
[1] SignalProbe.dll:0x299d15a3(0x298c3bf0, 0x13bfb008, 0, 0x298c3bf0)
[2] SignalProbe.dll:0x299d26de(0x298c3bf0, 0x13bfb008, 0x13dae290, 0x29832bec "sinewave")
[3] SignalProbe.dll:0x299d26a2(0x298c3bf0, 0x00d0ab70 "°«Ð", 0x78545b37, 0xfffffffe)
[4] SignalProbe.dll:0x299d1d2c(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e")
[5] libmex.dll:_mexRunMexFile(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e") + 119 bytes
[6] libmex.dll:private: void __thiscall Mfh_mex::runMexFileWithSignalProtection(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e") + 73 bytes
[7] libmex.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_mex::dispatch_file(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e") + 169 bytes
[8] m_dispatcher.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,struct mxArray_tag * *,int,struct mxArray_tag * *)(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e") + 240 bytes
[9] m_dispatcher.dll:_mdDoMatlabFcnCall(0xfffffffe, 0x0268dfb4, 5, 0x29835c20 " ï-) À-)àÑ-) É-)àõ-)e") + 192 bytes
[10] libmwsimulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl CMexSFcnTerminateFcn(struct slSFcnInfo *)(0x0268df90, 0x7a3e12f0, 0x053c7620, 0x025adf40) + 103 bytes
[11] libmwsimulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl CallMdlTermAndDestroySFcnInfo(class slBlock *,bool)(0x280efda0, 982273, 0x28a3a9a0, 0x280efda0) + 207 bytes
[12] libmwsimulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl SFcnTerminateFcn(class slBlock *,class slSimBlock_tag *)(0x280efd01, 0x28a3a9a0, 0x28a3a9a0, 0x1b3fe8a0) + 74 bytes
[13] libmwsimulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl BlockTerminate(class slSimBlock_tag *)(0x00a3a9a0, 0x1b3fe8a0, 0x1b3c2a20, 0x28a27e00) + 81 bytes
[14] libmwsimulink.dll:_BdTerminateFcn(0x1b3c2a20, 0x1b3fe8a0, 0x1b3c2a20, 0x7a6e3c50) + 205 bytes
[15] libmwsimulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl ModelTerminate(struct slModel_tag *)(3942944, 0x00d0b1e0, 0, 0x79144300) + 266 bytes
[16] libmwsimulink.dll:_StepMenuSim(0x1b3fe8a0, 0, 0x1b3fe8a0, 0x00d0b1e4) + 440 bytes
[17] libmwsimulink.dll:_sleModelExecutionInterface(0x1b3fe8a0, 5, 0x00d0b1e0, 0x29831c84) + 144 bytes
[18] libmwsimulink.dll:void __cdecl sluiWorkProcSimStep(void *)(0x1b3fe8a0, 0x77e73a7b, 721176, 0x790fd375) + 27 bytes
[19] uiw.dll:void __cdecl UIW_CallWorkProcs(void)(0x00d0b2b0, 0x00d0b201 "xàw", 255, 0x791443f0) + 67 bytes
[20] uiw.dll:char * __cdecl getCommand(char *,int,int)(0x79d8ac18, 4096, 255, 0x00d0b340 "X³Ð") + 98 bytes
[21] uiw.dll:public: virtual char * __thiscall uiw::UIW_IOProxy::getCmdWindowCommand(char *,int,int)const (0x79d8ac18, 4096, 255, 0x01be5520) + 20 bytes
[22] bridge.dll:char * __cdecl win32IoReadLine(int,bool,struct _iobuf *,char *,char *,int,bool *)(0x7c38b4e8, 0x01be5520, 4096, 0x00d0b387) + 213 bytes
[23] bridge.dll:char * __cdecl ioReadLine(int,bool,struct _iobuf *,char *,char *,int,bool *)(255, 0, 0x7c38b4e8, 0x01be5520) + 27 bytes
[24] bridge.dll:void __cdecl mnGetFullLine(char * *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *,int,bool)(0x00d0f3b4, 0x00d0f3ac, 255, 0) + 77 bytes
[25] bridge.dll:_mnGetCommandLineBuffer(255, 0, 0x00d0f4b4, 0x00d0f4b8 "ü=çwBXÑ") + 97 bytes
[26] bridge.dll:$L92008(0x00d0f4b8 "ü=çwBXÑ", 0x01ab8db8, 0, 0x784cf1b0) + 398 bytes
[27] mcr.dll:public: void __thiscall mcrInstance::mnParser(void)(0x77e73dfc, 0x00d15842, 0x01ab8db8, 0x01ab8df8) + 51 bytes
[28] MATLAB.exe:0x00401941(4194304, 0, 0x00d15842, 1)
[29] MATLAB.exe:0x004076ff(0x00780065, 101, 0x7ffdf000, 0)
[30] KERNEL32.dll:0x77e81af6(0x0040757a, 0, 200, 256)
This error was detected while a MEX-file was running. If the MEX-file
is not an official MathWorks function, please examine its source code
for errors. Please consult the External Interfaces Guide for information
on debugging MEX-files.
If it is an official MathWorks function, please
follow these steps in reporting this problem to The MathWorks so
that we have the best chance of correcting it:
1. Send this crash report to for automated analysis.
For your convenience, this information has been recorded in:
2. If the problem is reproducible, please submit a bug report via:
Thank you for your assistance. Please save your workspace and restart
MATLAB before continuing your work.
This segmentation violation occurred while executing the
S-function 'SignalProbe' in block 'sinewave/SignalProbe'.
A common cause of this segmentation violation is an incorrect
input port direct feedthrough setting. Each input port of the
S-function that is read (accessed) in mdlOutputs and/or
mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit must specify that it needs its input
signal in these routines by setting direct feedthrough for
these input ports.
1) To debug your C-MEX S-function, you can enable diagnostics
by compiling the S-function source with the -g flag, e.g.,
mex -g sfunction_name.c
2) You can ask Simulink to try assuming your S-function has
direct feedthrough using:

If Simulink can find a valid sorting mode that does not
result in algebraic loops involving your S-function, your
model will execute (assuming that the cause of this
segmentation violation is an incorrect direct feedthrough
setting on an input port).
See matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_directfeed.txt
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