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output a digital signal with 6533 from a txt file

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25.09.2014, 17:25 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 25.09.2014 18:04 von jg.)
Beitrag #1

rcatxi2 Offline

Beiträge: 3
Registriert seit: Sep 2014


output a digital signal with 6533 from a txt file
I start with labview and I am using the PCI-DIO-32HS (6533) to output a digital signal.
I have to generate a digital signal with the 0-1 values from a txt file (I have attached a typical txt file). This signal must have a variable frequency (typ. 1.2Mhz) that the user can change. The level of the 1 (the amplitude: Vcc) should be variable too (1v<Vcc<7v).

1: it is possible to choose different amplitudes for a digital output in the NI 6533?
2: Should I use the DAQmx - Timing VI?, and how?

3: Should I generate a digital waveform direct with the String-table to Digital data (VI) or should I copy the one and zero values to an array and then output these values with the help from de DAQmx timing?, and how?

4: I´m trying with the attached VI but the -200077 error appears and maybe I´m doing a lot of wrong thinks. What can I do to improve that or should I do in another way?

I will really thank for the help and advice you can give to me.


EDIT jg: Cross-Post:

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10.0 .vi (Größe: 26,75 KB / Downloads: 239)
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25.09.2014, 18:01 (Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 25.09.2014 18:03 von jg.)
Beitrag #2

jg Offline

Beiträge: 15.864
Registriert seit: Jun 2005

20xx / 8.x

RE: output a digital signal with 6533 from a txt file
For question 1: No, you can't, Level is TTL. ( )

For all other question, have a look at the NI Example Finder, add your 6533 to the hardware selection and limit the results to your 6533.



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26.09.2014, 16:28
Beitrag #3

rcatxi2 Offline

Beiträge: 3
Registriert seit: Sep 2014


RE: output a digital signal with 6533 from a txt file
Thank you for the answer.
I had a look to the examples and tried…
But I continue having the following problem with my VI:
error -200077
Possible causes:
Desired value is not supported for this property.
Feature: output. buffer size
Requested value: 45529
Increment for buffer size: 2

I understand that I should increment the buffer, but how can I do that?
(The VI is attached)
Thanks in advance.

Angehängte Datei(en)
10.0 .vi (Größe: 26,26 KB / Downloads: 237)
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27.09.2014, 09:33
Beitrag #4

GerdW Offline

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RE: output a digital signal with 6533 from a txt file
Why do you want to set the buffer size at all?

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27.09.2014, 09:57
Beitrag #5

jg Offline

Beiträge: 15.864
Registriert seit: Jun 2005

20xx / 8.x

RE: output a digital signal with 6533 from a txt file
I'd say the error message tells you to use an even number for the buffer size.

Regards, Jens

Wer die erhabene Weisheit der Mathematik tadelt, nährt sich von Verwirrung. (Leonardo da Vinci)

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