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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs

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11.03.2006, 13:30
Beitrag #11

foxone Offline

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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs
I have checked out, Device 1 is the correct nomber for the 6070E installed on my computer. I looked at the error codes, but it didn't help me more.
I 'll try to uninstall all and install the new version you gave me. Thanks again, I'll tell you on monday if it's worked.
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13.03.2006, 11:23
Beitrag #12

foxone Offline

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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs
hi i2dx
I am installing the last NI-DAQmx version, however, it's important for me to know if the same PMW signal is feasible with tradional DAQ VIs.
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13.03.2006, 12:08
Beitrag #13

cb Offline

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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs
yes, it is possible to programm the PWM with traditional DAQ, but I would not recommend it, anyway! - rotierende Prüfstände nach dem Baukasten-Prinzip
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14.03.2006, 18:26
Beitrag #14

foxone Offline

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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs
ok, I have installed the last version of NI-DAQmx but it doesn't work neither. I don't understand, I can communicate with the 6070E card using the Measurement & Automation's Test panel without any problem. But it doesn't work with Labiew. I tried to configure it with DAQ assistant but I always received the same message "No supported devices found". You have to know that I use a remote system, with PXI chassis. I attached a screenshot of my MAX page, maybe you could see where I have done a mistake.

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14.03.2006, 19:41
Beitrag #15

cb Offline

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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs
if the device is in the PXI, you have to switch your traget to the PXI-System and work with the RT-Module ... - rotierende Prüfstände nach dem Baukasten-Prinzip
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15.03.2006, 12:59
Beitrag #16

foxone Offline

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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs
Thanks, I found the switch and I can now communicate from LabVIEW to my PXI-6070E card through the digital output. But it still doesn't work with both your programs because of a sample problem. I attached the error message box. So, I' d like to know if you have ever tried your programs with DAQ devices, and if it worked. Which devices did you use? And which version of LabVIEW?
Thanks again

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15.03.2006, 16:33
Beitrag #17

cb Offline

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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs
i have tested it with a M-Series NI-PCI-6251,

i used LV 7.1 for this example ... - rotierende Prüfstände nach dem Baukasten-Prinzip
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20.03.2006, 14:49
Beitrag #18

foxone Offline

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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs
Hi i2dx, it's me again.
Last time, I had told you I had an error (-200077) and I found what was the problem : your program can't work with my 6070E because, I have found a exemple in LabVIEW (Cont Write Dig Port-Ext with use the same VI as your program, and I get the same error. I ckecked out, the 6251 card that you used is in the list of hardware compatible with the exemple, but not the 6070E card. So I have to find another solution to generate a PWM signal to the DO line. I would like to know if you think that I can use the exemple "Write Dig" in replacing "Data to write" by a waveform which will be a PWM signal waveform and how can I do that ?
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20.03.2006, 16:11
Beitrag #19

cb Offline

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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs
sorry, but this wont help.

take a look at the specifications of the card and you will see, that the PXI 6070E is only capable of 50 Hz DIO Input / Output.

And the write Single Chanel Solution will be slower, because it's software timed and you get an maximum resolution of 1 kHz, but it's not recommended to use software timing at this "high" sample rates anyway.

it seems, that you are not able to get this running with your card. The new M-Series DAQ-Boards are capable of 10 MHz DIO operations ... maybe you should contact your local NI sales representative? - rotierende Prüfstände nach dem Baukasten-Prinzip
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19.04.2006, 16:24
Beitrag #20

foxone Offline

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generqte a PWM signal with LabVIEW using digitals outputs
Hi i2dx, I hope you're still here because I have a problem and I need your help again. that's about the VI you gave me last time (DIO PWM 50Hz). As you told me, I had troubles because of the incompatibility of my hardware. But know, I received a new PSI and a new DAQ card ysterday. This is a PXI8187 embedded controller with a PXI 6229 multifunction DAQ. But I still have a problem, a new one. The error code is -200462 and it appears after the "create task VI" (see attached picture). Actually, it seems to be a software problem in opposition to my previous problems. But you told me, this VI works with you, isn't it ?
Please could you help me again, I am desperate 'cause of this project.

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