Es gibt ja zum Glück schon was fertiges ;D
Ich poste folgenden Code mal, könnte sein, das mehrere Leute sowas vor haben...
Source Code in Matlab:
% Specify data from Channel 1
fprintf(visaObj,':WAVEFORM:SOURCE CHAN1');
% Specify 1000 points at a time by :WAV:DATA?
fprintf(visaObj,':WAVEFORM:POINTS 1000');
% Get the data back as a WORD (i.e., INT16), other options are ASCII and BYTE
fprintf(visaObj,':WAVEFORM:FORMAT WORD');
% Set the byte order on the instrument as well
fprintf(visaObj,':WAVEFORM:BYTEORDER LSBFirst');
% Get the preamble block
preambleBlock = query(visaObj,':WAVEFORM:PREAMBLE?');
% The preamble block contains all of the current WAVEFORM settings.
% It is returned in the form <preamble_block><NL> where <preamble_block> is:
% FORMAT : int16 - 0 = BYTE, 1 = WORD, 2 = ASCII.
% TYPE : int16 - 0 = NORMAL, 1 = PEAK DETECT, 2 = AVERAGE
% POINTS : int32 - number of data points transferred.
% COUNT : int32 - 1 and is always 1.
% XINCREMENT : float64 - time difference between data points.
% XORIGIN : float64 - always the first data point in memory.
% XREFERENCE : int32 - specifies the data point associated with
% x-origin.
% YINCREMENT : float32 - voltage diff between data points.
% YORIGIN : float32 - value is the voltage at center screen.
% YREFERENCE : int32 - specifies the data point where y-origin
% occurs.
% Now send commmand to read data
% read back the BINBLOCK with the data in specified format and store it in
% the waveform structure
waveform.RawData = binblockread(visaObj,'uint16');
%% Data processing: Post process the data retreived from the scope
% Extract the X, Y data and plot it
% Maximum value storable in a INT16
maxVal = 2^16;
% split the preambleBlock into individual pieces of info
preambleBlock = regexp(preambleBlock,',','split');
% store all this information into a waveform structure for later use
waveform.Format = str2double(preambleBlock{1}); % This should be 1, since we're specifying INT16 output
waveform.Type = str2double(preambleBlock{2});
waveform.Points = str2double(preambleBlock{3});
waveform.Count = str2double(preambleBlock{4}); % This is always 1
waveform.XIncrement = str2double(preambleBlock{5}); % in seconds
waveform.XOrigin = str2double(preambleBlock{6}); % in seconds
waveform.XReference = str2double(preambleBlock{7});
waveform.YIncrement = str2double(preambleBlock{8}); % V
waveform.YOrigin = str2double(preambleBlock{9});
waveform.YReference = str2double(preambleBlock{10});
waveform.VoltsPerDiv = (maxVal * waveform.YIncrement / 8); % V
waveform.Offset = ((maxVal/2 - waveform.YReference) * waveform.YIncrement + waveform.YOrigin); % V
waveform.SecPerDiv = waveform.Points * waveform.XIncrement/10 ; % seconds
waveform.Delay = ((waveform.Points/2 - waveform.XReference) * waveform.XIncrement + waveform.XOrigin); % seconds
% Generate X & Y Data
waveform.XData = (waveform.XIncrement.*(1:length(waveform.RawData))) - waveform.XIncrement;
waveform.YData = (waveform.RawData - waveform.YReference) .* waveform.YIncrement + waveform.YOrigin;
% Plot it
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Volts (V)');
title('Oscilloscope Data');
grid on;
Ist es für das Plotten nun egal, ob die Messwerte eine Spannungsverlauf oder einen Stromverlauf darstellen???