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Timed acquisition

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24.05.2018, 10:23
Beitrag #10

Labview_pr Offline

Beiträge: 7
Registriert seit: Oct 2017


RE: Timed acquisition
Hello again,

Sorry for late I was waiting to test the programme again.

@Jens, I am using the cDAQ-9184, The NI 9361 Digital input Module as a counter.

@GerdW, you are totally right Dais

In fact, the counter is counting up the edges, and the measurements are triggered since x>y is alway true comparing to zero.

This the problem, that's why even though there is now trigger signal it is still working :///

Please I am asking for help, in how to change this code in order to acquire measurement, for every coming rising edge...

I've really tried too many times .... and now I need to find a solution as soon as possible :/

Many thanks in advance

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Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Timed acquisition - Labview_pr - 12.05.2018, 12:17
RE: Timed acquisition - GerdW - 12.05.2018, 14:45
RE: Timed acquisition - Labview_pr - 12.05.2018, 20:44
RE: Timed acquisition - GerdW - 13.05.2018, 18:36
RE: Timed acquisition - Labview_pr - 14.05.2018, 20:30
RE: Timed acquisition - GerdW - 14.05.2018, 20:51
RE: Timed acquisition - Labview_pr - 14.05.2018, 21:42
RE: Timed acquisition - jg - 15.05.2018, 09:46
RE: Timed acquisition - GerdW - 15.05.2018, 10:07
RE: Timed acquisition - Labview_pr - 24.05.2018 10:23

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