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Waveform Ausgabe mit Sample Clock

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06.12.2008, 01:04
Beitrag #1

horatius Offline

Beiträge: 55
Registriert seit: Dec 2008

8.5; 8.6:2009

Waveform Ausgabe mit Sample Clock
Ich hoffe ihr versteht englisch, habe keine Lust es nochmal zu übersetzen, ist ja bei LV sowie alles englisch oder deutsch/englisch Gemisch:

I continuously output analog voltage values with a DAQ card (NI-PCI 6713). To obtain a fast and reliable homogeneous sampling I use the sample clock of the board and a LabVIEW waveform signal. In the waveform for each time step of the sample time the output voltage value is saved.
As seen in the block diagram I can select whether the waveform content is outputted only once ("finite samples") or repetitiously ("continuous samples"). However I want to repeat it only for an exact defined number, let's say exact 100 times. Also If I stop it manually the output should stop at the end of a waveform cycle and not anywhere. I have three options:

To do this I can:
A) replicate 100 times the waveform itself ---> insufficient memory
B) output waveform only once and repeat this procedure 100 times --> no interruption-free voltage output as the device reinitializes every time
C) press stop --> incomplete cycle, output stops at any position of the waveform

No options works well as I need a homogeneous output of complete waveforms without interrupting device initialization procedures and avoidance of too long waveforms.

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Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Waveform Ausgabe mit Sample Clock - horatius - 06.12.2008 01:04
Waveform Ausgabe mit Sample Clock - Y-P - 06.12.2008, 09:03
Waveform Ausgabe mit Sample Clock - jg - 07.12.2008, 01:33

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