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Reaction test

Wenn dein Problem oder deine Frage geklärt worden ist, markiere den Beitrag als "Lösung",
indem du auf den "Lösung" Button rechts unter dem entsprechenden Beitrag klickst. Vielen Dank!

07.12.2007, 12:45
Beitrag #1

Omena Offline

Beiträge: 3
Registriert seit: Dec 2007


Reaction test
Guten Tag!
I don't know if this is the right section for this topic becouse I don't understand much germany. But I'm sorry if it isn't.

I'm trying to do some kind of reaction/speed test -game with LabVIEW. Basic idea is to test player's reaction speed.

Something like: Lamp is on, and after random time (1-10sec.) it goes out, and timer starts. When player presses some button the timer stops.
Then the program tells player's reaction time.

Has anyone done something like this? I would really appreciate some help!

Vielen Danke!
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07.12.2007, 12:46
Beitrag #2

Omena Offline

Beiträge: 3
Registriert seit: Dec 2007


Reaction test
Guten Tag!
I don't know if this is the right section for this topic becouse I don't understand much germany. But I'm sorry if it isn't.

I'm trying to do some kind of reaction/speed test -game with LabVIEW. Basic idea is to test player's reaction speed.

Something like: Lamp is on, and after random time (1-10sec.) it goes out, and timer starts. When player presses some button the timer stops.
Then the program tells player's reaction time.

Has anyone done something like this? I would really appreciate some help!

Vielen Danke!
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07.12.2007, 13:30
Beitrag #3

monoceros84 Offline

Beiträge: 445
Registriert seit: Oct 2006


Reaction test
' schrieb:Guten Tag!
I don't know if this is the right section for this topic becouse I don't understand much germany. But I'm sorry if it isn't.

I'm trying to do some kind of reaction/speed test -game with LabVIEW. Basic idea is to test player's reaction speed.

Something like: Lamp is on, and after random time (1-10sec.) it goes out, and timer starts. When player presses some button the timer stops.
Then the program tells player's reaction time.

Has anyone done something like this? I would really appreciate some help!

Vielen Danke!


This should help you.
Boolean is the LED indicator, stop is the button the user must push after is the LED became False.

@ Admins:
Please delete 2nd thread and move this one to LV -> Allgemein.

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07.12.2007, 14:00
Beitrag #4

Omena Offline

Beiträge: 3
Registriert seit: Dec 2007


Reaction test
' schrieb:Hi

This should help you.
Boolean is the LED indicator, stop is the button the user must push after is the LED became False.

@ Admins:
Please delete 2nd thread and move this one to LV -> Allgemein.

Thanks! Just what I needed!
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07.12.2007, 14:55
Beitrag #5

jg Offline

Beiträge: 15.864
Registriert seit: Jun 2005

20xx / 8.x

Reaction test
Please, don't ask the same question twice in different sections! That's against the rules.


Wer die erhabene Weisheit der Mathematik tadelt, nährt sich von Verwirrung. (Leonardo da Vinci)

!! BITTE !! stellt mir keine Fragen über PM, dafür ist das Forum da - andere haben vielleicht auch Interesse an der Antwort!

Einführende Links zu LabVIEW, s. GerdWs Signatur.
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